Module leste.utils.cli

The cli module provides functions for parsing command-line arguments.


removeFlags (args) Removes flags (arguments starting with "-") from the given table of arguments.
getFlags (removeFromArg) Parses command-line arguments and returns a table containing parsed flags.


removeFlags (args)
Removes flags (arguments starting with "-") from the given table of arguments.


  • args table The table of arguments to process.


    table A new table containing only non-flag arguments, can be assigned to the global arg table.
getFlags (removeFromArg)
Parses command-line arguments and returns a table containing parsed flags.


  • removeFromArg boolean If true, removes parsed flags from the global arg table. Defaults to false.


    table A table containing parsed flags:
    verbose (boolean): True if the --verbose or -v flag is present.
    exitOnFirst (boolean): True if the --exitfirst or -x flag is present.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-05-14 17:15:29