
A Powerful and User-Friendly Lua Testing Framework

Leste is a comprehensive Lua testing framework heavily inspired by PestPHP and pytest, aiming to simplify and streamline your testing process.

The name "Leste" playfully combines Lua ("L") and "teste" (Portuguese for "test") while coincidentally referencing the east direction ("leste" in Portuguese) – a subtle nod to Lua's Brazilian origin.


  • Clear and Concise Syntax: The it function allows for easy definition of test cases with descriptive names.
  • Enhanced Readability: Colored output highlights successful and failed tests, aiding in visual identification.
  • Customizable Configuration: Control verbosity (print output) and early termination behavior (exit on first failure) using command-line options.
  • Multiple Test File Support: Locate test files either in the default tests directory or within a specified folder.


Currently, Leste is available through cloning the GitHub repository. In the future, it will be integrated with luarocks for a more convenient installation process.

  1. First Clone the repository:

```bash git clone https://github.com/AdaiasMagdiel/Leste.git ```

One option is to create a leste or leste.bat file that points to the lest/main.lua script and add it to your system's PATH for easy access.

file: leste


lua path/to/the/lest/folder/main.lua $*

file: leste.bat

@echo off

lua path\to\the\lest\folder\main.lua %*


For a more detailed and comprehensive overview of Leste's usage and features, please refer to the official documentation available at https://adaiasmagdiel.github.io/Leste/.


You can run some test examples in the example-tests folder:

lua path/to/the/lest/folder/main.lua example-tests

The folder contains files with assertions that will fail and assertions that will pass.


  1. Define Your Tests:

Create Lua files (named with the test prefix) within your project's tests directory (or a custom folder) and use the it function to structure your test cases:

```lua -- tests/test_example.lua local Leste = require("leste.leste")

Leste.it("This should be true", function()

assert(1 == 1)


Leste.it("This should be false", function()

assert(1 == 2) -- This assertion will fail

end) ```

  1. Run the Tests:

Execute the following command from the terminal:

```bash lua leste/main.lua [folder] # Optional: Specify a custom test folder ```

If you omit the folder argument, the default tests directory will be searched for test files.

Command-Line Options

  • -v, --verbose: Display the output of the print function within tests for debugging purposes. Defaults to false.
  • -x, --exitfirst: Stop running tests after the first failure occurs. Defaults to false.

Example Output

Here's a sample output demonstrating both successful and failing tests:

    ✓ All tests passed successfully (2 assertions)

    Tests:      2 tests          1 passed          1 failed  (2 assertions)
    Duration:   0.01s


Contributions are welcome Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for any bugs or feature requests.

You can start selecting a task from the list in the TODO.md file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-05-14 17:15:29