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(base/base deta-key basename)
  • Return: Database connection object.
  • Exceptions: If deta-key is invalid or not provided.


(base/put db data)
(base/put db data key)
  • Return: Map containing the inserted data and the generated key (if not provided).
  • Exceptions: If data type is not supported, or if deta-key is invalid or not provided.


(base/get db key)
  • Return: Retrieved data as a map if the key exists, or nil if the key does not exist or an error occurs.
  • Exceptions: If key is not provided or is empty.


(base/delete db key)
  • Return: nil. The function does not return a meaningful value as its purpose is to remove an item from the database.
  • Exceptions: Throws an Exception if the key is not provided or is empty.


(base/insert db data)
(base/insert db data key)
  • Return: Map containing the inserted data and the generated key (if not provided).
  • Exceptions: Throws an Exception if the data type is not supported, or if deta-key is invalid or not provided, or if an item with the provided key already exists.


(base/fetch db)
(base/fetch db query)
(base/fetch db query parameters)
  • Parameters:

    • db: The database connection object.
    • query: A string or list of strings representing the query to be executed.
    • parameters: A map containing additional query parameters, including limit, last, and desc.
  • Return: A map containing the number of items found (:count), the last key queried (:last), and a list of the items found (:items). If the query fails, it returns a map with :count 0, :last nil, and :items an empty list.


(base/update db key updates)
  • Parameters:
  • db: The database connection object.
  • key: The key of the item to be updated.
  • updates: A map containing the updates to be applied to the item. Please refer to the Deta Base documentation to know more.

  • Return: nil. The function does not return a meaningful value as its purpose is to update an item in the database.

  • Exceptions: Throws an Exception if the key is not provided or is empty, if there is no item with the provided key, or the payload is incorrect or malformatted.