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Deta Clojure Library

Clojars Project License: MIT Documentation

Deta is a Clojure library designed to simplify interactions with the Deta database. It provides a straightforward way to initialize a database connection and perform basic operations such as inserting data. This library is ideal for developers looking to integrate Deta database functionality into their Clojure applications.

Table of Contents

Project Progress

The current focus is on implementing functions for Deta Base, with Deta Drive functionalities yet to be started.

Deta Base

The Deta Base API provides a range of functionalities for data manipulation. The following functions have been implemented:

  • [x] Base Object: Creation and configuration of the base object for API interaction.
  • [x] Put: Insertion of an object into the database.
  • [x] Get: Retrieval of a specific object from the database.
  • [x] Insert: Insertion of a new object into the database.
  • [x] Fetch: Retrieval of objects based on specific criteria.
  • [x] Delete: Removal of an object from the database.
  • [x] Update: Update of an existing object in the database.

The remaining functions to be implemented are:

  • [ ] Put Many: Insertion of multiple objects into the database at once.

Deta Drive

Deta Drive offers functionalities for file storage and manipulation. As of now, work on Deta Drive functionalities has not yet begun. The planned functionalities include:

  • [ ] Drive Object: Creation and configuration of the drive object for API interaction.
  • [ ] Put: Upload of a file to Deta Drive.
  • [ ] Get: Download of a specific file from Deta Drive.
  • [ ] Delete: Removal of a file from Deta Drive.
  • [ ] List: Listing of available files in Deta Drive.
  • [ ] Delete Many: Removal of multiple files from Deta Drive at once.

This project is under continuous development, with the goal of providing a robust and efficient solution for interacting with the Deta Space API in Clojure. Follow the progress and contribute with suggestions or implementations of new functionalities.


  • Database Initialization: Easily establish a connection to a Deta database with a straightforward function call.
  • Data Insertion: Insert data into the Deta database, supporting various data types.
  • Data Update: Update existing data in the Deta database or insert new data if the key does not exist.
  • Data Retrieval: Fetch data from the Deta database by specifying a key.
  • Data Deletion: Remove data from the Deta database by specifying a key.
  • Testing: A comprehensive test suite is essential to ensure reliability and accuracy.



Add the following dependency to your project.clj:

[com.adaiasmagdiel/deta "0.0.6"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

Add the following dependency to your deps.edn:

com.adaiasmagdiel/deta {:mvn/version "0.0.6"}


Add the following dependency to your build.gradle:



Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:



The deta.base-test namespace includes tests for the base and put functions. These tests cover various scenarios, including valid and invalid deta-key inputs, different data types for the put function, and the behavior of the put function when a key is provided.

Running Tests

To run the tests, set the DETA_KEY environment variable to a valid Deta key beforehand.


set DETA_KEY=your_deta_key_here
lein test


export DETA_KEY=your_deta_key_here
lein test

Replace your_deta_key_here with your actual Deta key.


This project includes a coverage tool that allows you to easily run test coverage reports. To generate coverage reports for tests, simply enter the following command:

lein cloverage