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Displaying Data

In Beremiz, you can display data in various formats using the show keyword and string interpolation.

Showing Last Stack Element

The keyword show removes and displays the last element of the stack.


1 2 3  # Stack: [1, 2, 3]
show   # Output: 3 -> Stack: [1, 2]

String Interpolation

String interpolation allows you to create formatted strings by consuming elements from the stack.

  • Use $0, $1, etc., within a string to refer to the elements of the stack.
  • $0 refers to the top element of the stack, $1 refers to the second element, and so on.
  • String interpolations consume the referenced stack elements in the process.


7 42                        # Stack: [7, 42]
"Num1: $1, Num2: $0" show   # Output: "Num1: 7, Num2: 42" -> Stack: []

If you try to consume more elements than are present in the stack, an error is raised. You can also escape the $n using \$n.


"Name: $0 | Escaping: \$1" show   # Output: "Name: Magdiel | Escaping: $1"